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23. March 18.00

Ole Sjølie, Power and Counterpower, 1998.

With international conflicts come calls for boycotts and political sanctions. Should these also include artists and cultural institutions? How efficient can cultural boycotts be in instigating change? What are the costs? What are the implications for artists? Are there any easy rules of thumb?

The new terrain is full of ethical pitfalls and the best intentions can have far-reaching consequences for individual artists. Trondheim kunstmuseum welcomes you to an evening of self-education by public discussion March 23 at 18.00.

FREE ENTRY! The conversation will be streamed at the museusm Facebook-page, and will be aviable here and our Youtube-channel after the event. 

See the conversation here:

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Panel participants:

Yana Mikhalina

Yana Mikhalina

Mikhalina is an artist in search of places for female ethics under patriarchy and colonialism. She is invested in documentary practices, and works with topics such as sickness and convalescence, Islam feminism and psychoanalysis. Since 2020, Yana has been a Ph.D. candidate in Artistic Research at the Trondheim Art Academy (NTNU). In this panel, she will briefly outline the Russian colonial history of the non-Russian indigenous population and speak to the urgency of a feminization of politics (including arts) in times of war.

Trond Åm

Trond Åm

Director at the House of Literature in Trondheim. Åm has a background in philosophy and the history of ideas and his work focuses on organizing current social debates and dissemination of literature and research. The House of Literature is one of many institutions that over the past few years has had to deal with several issues relevant to the general debate on freedom of expression and cancel culture.

Jørn Holm-Hansen

Jørn Holm-Hansen

Research professor at OsloMet. Holm-Hansen‘s main academic field of work is politics and public administration in Russia, Poland and other East-Central European EU states as well as the Western Balkans. Holm-Hansen is also conducting applied research, mainly evaluations of development aid and democracy support.

Fredrik Svensk

Fredrik Svensk

Lecturer at Göteborgs Universitet, art theorist, active as a writer, critic, educator, editor and curator. Svensk is also the editor-in-chief and publisher of Paletten Art Journal. He will offer a note on strategic boycottism, inequality, and the imaginary community of contemporary art.

Moderator: Johan Börjesoon

Moderator: Johan Börjesoon

Director of Trondheim kunstmuseum since 2014. Börjesson is an Art historian, and led and developed Marabouparken in the period 2001-2011.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2