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Statement of the jury:

Joar Nango has an inclusive, interpersonal, and engaging approach that balances built environments and work, survival and basic values, nature and mythologizing. Nango's artistry functions via several diametrical levels of knowledge, such as pragmatic resourcefulness coupled with the multifaceted conceptual and cultural-historical implications that different life conditions bring with them. The productions are often large in scope involving a significant number of contributors. These introduce a myriad of processes that touch on nomadic identity, indigenous peoples, and the colonialization of knowledge, realized through open and co-creative collaboration, improvisation, and dialogue. Nango himself sees it as his responsibility to exhibit Sami architecture in order to create discussion and develop knowledge in understanding landscapes and indigenous culture.

Nango was the 2020 Festival Artist for Bergen Kunsthall's Festival Exhibition. His project Girjegumpi.mi arkitektuvragirjerájus/Sámi Architecture Library exhibited at the National Museum — Architecture in Oslo in 2021-22. Nango also participated in documenta 14 in 2017. 

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    FFB, Odelsgut og Fantefølge.
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    d14 Joar Nango, European Everything. Foto: Mathias Voelzke.
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    Girjegumpi (Sami Architecture Library), 2018–. Various dimensions. Wall painting: Anders Sunna. Duodji: Katarina Spiik Skum. Wood sculptures: Aqqalu Berthelsen. Hammock: MAKA design.
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    Carte Blanche meets Joar Nango. From a dance performance on 19 September with 6 dancers from Carte Blanche, the Norwegian National Company of Contemporary Dance. With Adrian Bartczak, Dawid Lorenc, Caroline Eckly, Nadege Kubwayo, Max Makowski, Noam Eidelman Shatil.
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Joar Nango (b. 1979) is an architect and artist living in Tromsø. His work explores the boundary between art and architecture and often integrates the public into his installations. He is a qualified architect from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (2008). Nango has exhibited widely internationally, both in Documenta 13, the Chicago Art Biennal and the National Gallery of Canada. In 2010, he helped found the idealistic architectural collective Felleskapsprosjektet å Fortette Byen (FFB), and in 2020 he was a festival artist during the Bergen International Festival.

Photo: Thor Brødreskift.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2