15.02.2023 - 30.04.2023
TKM Gråmølna
MORE MEAT LESS MEAT… is an exhibition of alternative food futures and multi-species encounters exploring the theme of meat and climate change in Norway. The exhibition features multi-sensory artworks by: Chicks On Speed & The Center for Genomic Gastronomy and was created in conversation with the Meatigation academic research project.
This exhibition asks: What is meat and how should we eat? During your visit you will experience and interact with plants, animals, music and computers. You can contribute your ideas for a New National Dish and join our exploration of protein futures.
A reduction in Western meat consumption is critical for respecting planetary boundaries, ensuring global food security, and improving human and animal health. However, even when positive to climate action, Europeans are reluctant to reduce their meat consumption, especially in the Nordic regions. Meat is not just calories: It is culture. Help us imagine more meat less meat practices for tomorrow's eaters.
The exhibition will run from FEB 15 - MAY 01, 2023 and there will be an opening event on the evening of WED February 15th, 2023. There is a related events program that will be announced on this webpage.
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Listen to the MORE MEAT LESS MEAT-jingle by Chicks on Speed
Meatigation — 2020-2024
MEATigation’s primary objective is: To explore how meat is embedded in Norwegian food practices and to identify ways to promote sustainable meat-use in Norway.