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Entwining the Unloaded Reality of Harmonic Bodies

Saturday May 11th, 12-16

The Trondheim Biennale for Art and Technology, Meta.Morf 2024 – [up]Loaded Bodies explores the technological body caught between virtual ecstasy and digital obesity. Whether it is a human longing for virtual immortality or an AI that wants to interact with physical reality, this is no holiday. This is life as we know it in the 21st century.

For a wider audience, Meta.Morf presents artists, musicians, writers, and researchers who, in various ways, shed light on the relationship between human and technology, its possibilities and consequences.

Meta.Morf 2024 will take place from April 17 to October 13. In collaboration with the Dutch organization, V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media, the very first abroad version of Meta.Morf will be held in Rotterdam from September 19 to October 13, 2024.

Meta.Morf is supported by Arts Council Norway, Trondheim Municipality, and Trøndelag County Council.

Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.08
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2