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Counting and Measuring

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    Photo: Lili Zaneta/TKM.

“The idea becomes a machine that makes the art” wrote the American conceptual artist Sol le Witt. 

Edith Lundebrekke has built her art practice around the exploration of color, patterns and systems. In this room, she has selected works that are based on accurate measuring before execution, and that carry within them the potential for endless extension, both in width, height and depth. 

Measure, composition and proportions have been central to definitions of beauty from classical to contemporary art. This room combines conceptual works with works based on geometry and proportions.  

By creating a set of rules that are then followed, the conceptual artwork allows the viewer to contemplate the idea and its execution.  

Whether it is a geometric figure, colors assigned to the digits of pi, or the translation of numbers ​​given by rolling two dice a certain number of times into tonal values, the strategy can be compared to writing a musical score and performing it. 

Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.08
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2