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Comma - Master of Fine Art degree show, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art

07. - 23.05. 2021
TKM Gråmølna

NTNU’s Trondheim Academy of Fine Art presents its graduating Master of Fine Art degree show: Comma at TKM Gråmølna. 

This international exhibition brings together the work of 13 emerging artists from 8 countries each representing a new, distinct perspective on contemporary art making. Taking a wide array of approaches both conceptually and materially, the artworks in this show range from painting and printmaking to performance and video installation. 

The MFA program that formally concludes with this exhibition is also a beginning for these 13 artists. The title Comma implies not only a culmination, but a continuation. 

Exhibiting Artists:

Kate Bell, Naomi Chan, Hilde Edvarsen, Berke Ence brooke, Maria Eriksen, Pål Lersveen, Tuda Muda (Samrridhi Kukreja), Erin Murphy, Trond Nesheim, Mari Oseland, Shiva Sherveh, Valgerður Ýr Walderhaug og Jianing Zuo. 

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    Erin Murphy, The Synthetic Sublime 1, oil paint on wood and MDF panels, stage LEDs, approx.165 cm x 180 cm installed, 2021.
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    Tuda Muda,Weapons of self destruction, Charcoal on paper, 11x14 cm.
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    Tuda Muda,Weapons of self destruction, Charcoal on paper, 11x14 cm.
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    Kate Bell, Destruction 2, 35mm film, 70x20cm, 2020.
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    Kate Bell, Destruction 1 - 35mm film, 70x20cm, 2020.
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    Erin Murphy, Scholars_ Rocks, painted and laser etched MDF, 2020.
Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.07
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2