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Beyond Measure

29. februar - 8. august 2020
TKM Bispegata

Meriç Algün / Oddvar Daren / Luca Frei / Alexander Gutke / Toril Johannessen / Ragnar Kjartansson / Vida Lavén / Falke Pisano

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.

William Bruce Cameron

The act of measuring is a fundamental human activity. It is central to our understanding and categorizing of the world around us.

Art has an ambivalent relationship to measuring. At times it is put at measurement’s service. Though art is also seen as a way of documenting or expressing what cannot be measured.

This exhibition focuses on the act of measuring in itself. By putting ways of measuring into unexpected contexts, the artists are making us aware of the premises and shortcomings of measuring, and how it can be used as an instrument of power.

A catalouge is being produced, with contributions by Sophia Efsthatiou (Philosophy), Emily Herring (Philosophy), Leah McClimans (Philosophy), Ray Monk (Philosophy), Aksel Tjora (Sociology) and Johan Börjesson (Art History). 

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2